
Tune in to Learning

Language Arts Skills Index

The Language Arts and the Math and Science Skills Indexes are designed to help you integrate the TV411 videos, web lessons, and print downloads into your classroom's curriculum. Use the dropdown menu below to browse the full catalog of our language arts materials by the skill or content area they address.

Skill/Content: Books and Libraries
Type Description Skill/Content
Video Video: Plainsong

What happens when an entire Midwestern town reads the same novel?

Books and Libraries
Video Video: Searching for Family Roots

An African-American woman researches her family's roots over the Internet and in the field.

Books and Libraries
Video Video: Studs Terkel

A group of adult learners discusses the non-fiction book by Studs Terkel.

Books and Libraries
Skill/Content: Charts, Graphs, and Tables
Type Description Skill/Content
Lesson Line Graphs

Charts, Graphs, and Tables
Lesson Reading Charts and Graphs

You see them everywhere: pie charts, bar graphs, and grid charts that represent mathematical information. How do you learn to read them? Practice!

Charts, Graphs, and Tables
Lesson Scanning for Specifics

Ever try to read a big instruction manual or how-to book to find out how to fix or do something? It helps to scan the sections to find what you need quickly.

Charts, Graphs, and Tables
Skill/Content: Compound Words
Type Description Skill/Content
Lesson What Makes a Compound Word?

A compound word is made up of two words that come together to make one new word.

Compound Words
Video Video: Compound Words

Poet Stephen Coleman explains compound words and phrases.

Compound Words
Skill/Content: Context Clues
Type Description Skill/Content
Lesson Truth in Advertising

Ads are always trying to sell you something—phones, cars, even politicians. Election posters and print ads are great for testing your reading skills.

Context Clues
Lesson Using Context Clues

When you run across a word that seems indecipherable, there are ways to help you figure out its meaning.

Context Clues
