
Tune in to Learning

Math and Science Skills Index

The Language Arts and the Math and Science Skills Indexes are designed to help you integrate the TV411 videos, web lessons, and print downloads into your classroom's curriculum. Use the dropdown menu below to browse the full catalog of our math and science materials by the skill or content area they address.

Skill/Content: Rates and Ratios
Type Description Skill/Content
Lesson Get Going with Rate

How much do you earn per hour? How fast can you run? How much are you paying for that pound of coffee? The answers to these questions all involve rate.

Rates and Ratios
Lesson Working with Ratios

If a recipe says, “For every cup of rice, add 2 cups of water,” that’s a ratio. In school, if there is 1 teacher to every 20 students, that’s a ratio, too. A ratio is a handy way to express the relationship between numbers.

Rates and Ratios
Print Lesson Think Math: Rate

Click on the title to download the worksheet.

Rates and Ratios
Print Lesson Think Math: Ratios

Click on the title to download the worksheet.

Rates and Ratios
Video Video: Bacteria

See how microbes add zest to dip and how to control them.

Rates and Ratios
Video Video: Bacterias

Aprende como agregan sabor los microbios a una salsa de yogurt y como los puedes controlar.

Rates and Ratios
Video Video: Ratios

TV chef Curtis Aikens puts ratios to work in the kitchen.

Rates and Ratios
Video Video: Carbohidratos

Desglosa los carbohidratos para ver de que están hechos mientras aprendes a hacer una sabrosa succotash de calabaza.

Rates and Ratios
Video Video: Carbohydrates

Break down carbs to see what they’re made of while learning to make a tasty Zucchini Succotash.

Rates and Ratios
Video Video: Unit Prices

Laverne (Liz Torres) explains how unit price labels point the way to the best deal.

Rates and Ratios
