
Tune in to Learning

Place Value: Activity 2 of 3



The numbers we count with are whole numbers; they are to the left of the decimal point. We also work with parts of whole numbers, called decimals. Decimals are to the right of the decimal point and represent fractional values like tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc. (Tip: Names of decimal places end in “th.”)

Let’s look at the place values in the decimal 0.631: 

0.6 = 6 × 1/10 = 6/10 which is read “six tenths”

0.03 = 3 × 1/100 = 3/100 which is read “three hundredths”

0.001 = 1 × 1/1,000 = 1/1,000 which is read “one thousandth”

What is the place value of the decimal 7 in 8.76?
Question 4 of 10