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Pricing a Job: Activity 2 of 3



If Bill charges $874 and everything goes according to plan, he will break even. But what happens if those fancy windows take longer than expected? Bill can't afford to take a loss, so he prices the job a little higher. 

What's more, Bill wants to make a profit. So, he adds 30% to the final price of the job: 10% as a buffer – or financial protection – in case there are problems, plus 20% for profit.

At last, Bill is ready to quote his final price. Help him out with the last two steps.

First, calculate his 30% combined buffer and profit (30% of $874).

Here's how:

  1. Convert 30% to .30
  2. Multiply 0.30 X $874

Finally, add the buffer to the actual cost of the job ($874).


What is Bill's final price?

Question 8 of 8