Imagine an important place from childhood – a kitchen, fire escape, or maybe a favorite tree. Using the questions as a guide, write a poem in three parts. Warning: Your writing cannot be saved unless you're logged in. We recommend you log in or register before you start writing. Write down exactly where this place was. Describe it using at least three of the five senses. Can you remember specific colors, or objects that were kept there? The sound of music, traffic, or voices? Keep going. If you want, begin with, "I remember…" Paragraph 1 Why did you go to this place and what did you do there? Maybe you found comfort from family members or quiet time alone. Can you describe what thoughts went through your mind when you went there? If you're stuck, try starting with, "I went there to…" Paragraph 2 Is there a place today that reminds you of this childhood place? If not, is there something that makes you think of it, like a time of year or person? What emotions do you feel when you think about this place? Click "Submit" when done…and a poem is made! Paragraph 3