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Personal Letter: Setting the Tone: Activity 4 of 4

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Imagine that you are writing an email to an old and dear friend who has said or done something that upset you. For example, perhaps the friend ignored you at a party. Perhaps the friend revealed a secret of yours to someone else. You are angry and want to express how you feel, but you also want to preserve the friendship.

After you’ve finished the letter, read it over to find and fix grammar and spelling mistakes, and above all, to make sure you’ve set the right tone.

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Use the first paragraph to explain what the friendship has meant to you. Include details of the ways the person has been a good friend to you in the past.
In the second paragraph, explain what your friend did that hurt your feelings. Be clear and direct—but be gentle.
In the third paragraph, suggest a way to get together to talk about what happened and to mend the friendship.
Question 1 of 1