Math and Science Skills Index
The Language Arts and the Math and Science Skills Indexes are designed to help you integrate the TV411 videos, web lessons, and print downloads into your classroom's curriculum. Use the dropdown menu below to browse the full catalog of our math and science materials by the skill or content area they address.
Type | Description | Skill/Content |
Lesson |
Reading a Pay Stub Did you know that every paycheck tells a story? It explains how much you’ve earned, how much you pay in taxes, and a whole lot more. |
Basic Math |
Lesson |
Sal: Matemáticas Lección La sal en la mesa no está ahí sólo para darle un mejor sabor a la comida. La sal es un compuesto de dos elementos químicos esenciales para nuestro cuerpo: sodio y cloro. |
Basic Math |
Lesson |
Salt: Math Lesson The salt on your table isn’t there just to make your food taste better. Table salt is a compound of two chemical elements essential for our bodies: sodium and chlorine. |
Basic Math |
Lesson |
Talonarios de pago ¿Sabes que cada talonario de pago cuenta una historia? El talonario explica cuanto has ganado, cuanto pagaste en impuestas, y mucho más. |
Basic Math |
Lesson |
Understanding Mean, Median and Mode What’s the average time you spend talking on the phone? How many miles per gallon does your car get, on average? Stick with this lesson and you’ll learn a few useful ways to crunch the numbers in your life. |
Basic Math |
Lesson |
Using a Calculator Never leave home without your house keys—and a calculator! Unless you’re a math whiz, how else can you quickly and easily calculate a discount or a tip or verify the total on a bill? |
Basic Math |
Print Lesson |
Create a Budget Click on the title to download the worksheet. |
Basic Math |
Print Lesson |
Rent to Own Click on the title to download the worksheet. |
Basic Math |
Print Lesson |
Think Math: Fractions Click on the title to download the worksheet. |
Basic Math |
Print Lesson |
Think Math: Percents Click on the title to download the worksheet. |
Basic Math |