Vocabulary (can be discussed before or after viewing):
Chlorine, Chloride
Periodic table of elements
Teaching Tools:
1 g packet of artificial sweetener
1small paper clip
1 measuring teaspoon
I. Pre-viewing Questions:
Ask: Do you know anyone on a low-sodium diet?
What does “low-sodium” mean? [If anyone says “Salt,” ask if s/he knows the difference between salt and sodium].
What stories have learners heard about salt or sodium in the news?
II. Post-viewing Questions
Ask: Can anyone explain the difference between salt and sodium?
[Sodium is a chemical element that in combination with the chemical element chlorine makes up sodium chloride, or table salt.]
Is table salt an element?
[No, it’s a compound of two elements: sodium and chlorine.]
Can anyone give examples of other elements in the universe? [aluminum, silver, gold, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc.]
What is the periodic table of elements?
[A list of all the known elements in the world. So far scientists have identified about 118 elements.]
What are considered the health risks of eating too much salt?
[High-blood pressure, stroke, etc.]
How can you tell how much sodium is in packaged food?
[The sodium content is listed on the food label as sodium, in milligrams, per single serving size.]
How much is a milligram?
[Grams are a measure of weight, like pounds or ounces. Milligrams are 1/1000 of a gram. Hold up a packet of artificial sweetener and a small paper clip. There are 1,000 milligrams of artificial sweetener in this 1-gram packet–about the same weight as the paper clip. A teaspoon of salt contains about 2,000mg of sodium.]
General Discussion:
What else did viewers learn from the video? Was it enjoyable? Ask for examples of what was clear/confusing. How did the recipe relate to the science topic? What else do learners want to know about this topic? Would they show it to their children?
Web Lessons: On, note the science and math web lessons that correlate to SALT. Use them as part of your lesson or encourage learners with outside access to the internet to visit where they can review the videos, learn more about the topic through the related web lessons, or explore other videos and lessons.